

jeudi 18 septembre 2014

Eighth month of pregnancy

Approached the happy moment promised, we have reached a period of gestation in the eighth month, which stretches from week 31 until week 35, moves the fetus in the eighth month inside your tummy constantly in order to install the nines final before birth, so pushing the baby's head on the area of the bladder, which increases your desire urgency to urinate, at this stage, very advanced pregnancy should pay attention to the occurrence of the birth pangs of an early and that appear for five minutes, once every hour, and in this situation are advised to arrive at the hospital quickly, as well as also in the case came down to have water, or if you feel change is too big in your case.
Fetal growth during the eighth month 

- This month, the fetus will be able to move his eyelids and slips his head down 

- With the end of the eighth month can weigh up to three kilograms of the fetus, or a little less, with a length of approximately 45 centimeters 

- This month, gaining more weight quickly, and the skin becomes softer and pink, and grow lungs fully. 

- During this period, his bones become more strength and rigidity with the exception of the bones of the skull, and this, of course, to facilitate childbirth across the narrow channel to a certain extent. 

- This month, he could move his eyelids become. With the end of the month, almost sliding his head down with his legs and buttocks up in preparation for the birth.
Important tips for pregnant women in the eighth month 

- Avoid stress and the length of the stand and majoritarian liquids and Cut down on stimulants such as tea and coffee to relieve swelling foot. 

- It is important in this period checkups NST (fetal distress) and GBS (vaginal examination Stain) to avoid bacterial infection of the newborn infected during reproduction. 

- In this period might you worry about what awaits you soon, especially if the first birth that you, yourself Hdi cross-talk with the women they had experienced the same experiment and cross-post things Thchinaa doctor. 

- Commit to review the follow-up to your pregnancy doctor once a week at least to check out and check on the status of the child with a plan for how the birth, and whether there are reasons prevent you from natural childbirth.

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