

samedi 20 septembre 2014

Get rid of wrinkles around the eye final

hat wrinkles are the initial signs of aging, and that the most important reasons for returning to aging and exposure to the sun for extended periods of longitudinal and lack of attention to skin or the amount of it, not to mention the stress and fatigue and lack of sleep and traffic conditions of poor psychological and follow the diet or a diet harsh. 
But the problem here is that the eye wrinkles, especially wrinkles around the eye is usually experienced by young people, where it was known that the epidermis layer known surface layer of the skin begin to decay and corrosion with the continued progress in age. But age has not become a condition for the emergence of such unwanted wrinkles, so-called, in some cases, premature  wrinkles.
For this reason, you must take care of skin, especially the skin around the eye to fight and the fight against wrinkles and delay its appearance as much as possible, but initially advised After staying for long periods in front of television or computer and do not ensure long or lack of sleep, all of these things is one of the most important reasons for the appearance of premature wrinkles. Care must then persistent skin under the eye as they are thinner skin in the body, where ypg thickness of the skin under the eye is only half a millimeter in thickness while the normal skin of the body 2 millimeters. So it requires attention and care of a special type.
Despite the diversity and variation are many ways to combat and eliminate wrinkles around the eye, but they range from high cost and contain chemicals and risk, between creams, injections and even cosmetic surgery varied. So we offer today for readers who follow the magazine esteemed group of the most important mixes and recipes remove wrinkles and delay its appearance for as long as possible components of a normal fully available to each home and more importantly, they are useful for the skin around the eyes and remains impact for longer than creams and lotions chemicals, but they need longer to begin its findings to emerge. 
Masque (Mask) yeast in removing wrinkles around the eye 
  Known that the yeast is rich in vitamin B, which helps to stimulate blood circulation and metabolism. From here came the idea used in the treatment of wrinkles, which is a component of the work holder ½ cup of olive oil, add the yeast for dry skin or milk (milk) warm for normal skin or hydrogen peroxide 3% for oily skin and which can be found in pharmacies. 
Mask is placed on the component of the yeast mixture appropriate for your skin is then left for 20 minutes and then rinsed with warm water skin or hot, where you need that dried yeast on the skin of warm water to be removed without damaging the thin skin.
Musk eggs to remove wrinkles around the eye 
Egg whites is among the most important materials that have proven effective in Ghazaleh and hide wrinkles around the eye, and in addition to the works on the egg whites to give softness and freshness to unwanted skin. This is done from the catcher and one egg white with lemon juice ½. Is add a tablespoon of olive oil for dry skin, while adding a teaspoon of salt to the mixture instead of olive oil to suit oily skin. Mixing Ingredients are appropriate for your skin is then put the mixture for about 20 minutes and then wash the skin. 
Carrots and honey mask to hide the wrinkles around the eye 
Work is a mixture of ½ teaspoon of honey bees with an appropriate amount of carrot juice and then placed the mixture on the face for a period ranging between 15:20 minutes and then wash the face. 
Banana Mask to remove wrinkles around the eye 
Advised in this mixture Behrs a banana and put it on the skin that suffer from wrinkles around the eye, Bananas has a high capacity to fight and the fight against wrinkles. 
This was the most important group of mixtures remove and hide the wrinkles around the eye, which are used in all parts of the Arab world and the world and come with good results too. To get the best possible result, experts advise drinking plenty of water at least 8 glasses or 2 liters per day, in addition to eating foods rich in vitamin C continuously oranges, tangerines, guava. On the other hand, experts advise the need to take care of since the early period of skin, especially facial skin, this is the secret of youthfulness permanent and eternal youth for the skin.

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